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Business Book of the Month

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The International
CTO Programme

The International Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Programme Book, is a comprehensive CTO handbook and C-suite bible, meticulously engineered to propel aspiring and seasoned technology executives..


£22.99 / $29.99

"A book isn't just a book, there is a whole world inside, a world perhaps we never knew existed. We can walk in someone else's shoes, challenge our perspectives and opinions and discover more about ourselves. The gift of a book is a powerful gift indeed!"

The Oak Island Code

Throughout the centuries, maps have often been told rather than drawn, and communicated through stories that we can remember. Rather than a church spire, a gnarled tree on a hill, a sea monster, or an X marking the spot, a landmark on a treasure map may equally be an event in time, an article in a newspaper, a record in an archive, or a painting, painted centuries after the event. Paper maps only record a moment in time, but following a trail through data can record directions across centuries


£11.99 / $14.99

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